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Road to v2: Deploying RPKI & BGP Filtering

Explore our "Road to v2" series as we enhance network security with RPKI and BGP filtering on critical edge routers. Learn about BGP and how RPKI addresses security challenges, with a nod to by Cloudflare.

Tom Kleinby Tom Klein · ~ 1 min read
Explore our "Road to v2" series as we enhance network security with RPKI and BGP filtering on critical edge routers. Learn about BGP and how RPKI addresses security challenges, with a nod to by Cloudflare.
Explore our "Road to v2" series as we enhance network security with RPKI and BGP filtering on critical edge routers. Learn about BGP and how RPKI addresses security challenges, with a nod to by Cloudflare.

In our ongoing "Road to v2" series, we are proud to announce a significant milestone in our network security. We have deployed RPKI (Resource Public Key Infrastructure) and BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) filtering on our most critical edge routers, with plans for a global rollout shortly.

But what do these terms mean, and why is this development so crucial?

Understanding BGP

BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) is the protocol that directs internet traffic between autonomous systems (ASes). It plays a vital role in routing decisions, ensuring that data reaches its destination efficiently. However, BGP's trust-based nature has made it susceptible to hijacks and misconfigurations.

The Role of RPKI

RPKI (Resource Public Key Infrastructure) is a cryptographic framework that brings enhanced security to BGP. By associating IP address prefixes with digital certificates, RPKI helps verify the legitimacy of routing updates. It prevents unauthorized parties from announcing IP prefixes, reducing the risk of route hijacking.

Why This Matters

The deployment of RPKI and BGP filtering is a significant step in safeguarding internet routing. It addresses the security challenges that have long plagued BGP, making the internet more resilient to malicious attacks and accidental misconfigurations.

To emphasize the importance of this change, we recommend visiting, a project by Cloudflare. This website provides data on the adoption of BGP security measures, highlighting the need for widespread adoption.

As we continue on our "Road to v2," we remain committed to enhancing network security and improving your online experience. Stay tuned for more updates on our journey towards safer and a more useful use of technologies.

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Tom Klein
Founder & CEO
Gentlent UG (haftungsbeschränkt)

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